Nov. 25, 1996
Mr. John Karassik
Ellicottville Kitchen Equipment
P.O. Box 1549
Ellicottville, New York 14731
Dear John,
The aqueous industrial washers you have designed
and built for our plant in Statesboro over the last year have
performed very well and helped us meet your production goals.
We currently are using five of your washers for connecting rods,
crankshafts, heads and sumps.
We like the basic design of your washers because
they clean our parts, eliminate chips, and meet our production
requirements. In addition, they do so with a small footprint,
a factor that is very important to us. Further, the simple design
of your washers has enabled us to keep the machines up and running
with very little maintenance other than the normal cleanup. The
time you spent with us during the design stage and at start up
helped us get the results we wanted.
In addition, the three multi-stage washers you provided
with conWash are in use cleaning cylinders. The
design of these washers is excellent and enables us to get clean,
chip-free, dry cylinders. Your assistance in helping conWash
better understand our needs is appreciated.
Yours truly,
Jeff Horton
Manufacturing Engineer